
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2023



Audio about the trajectory, actions and solutions in the labor context.

Link del audio:  https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/a9uqsj/Record_online-voice-recordercom_76uq9.mp3  Part One: Presentation. Hello, my name is sebastian millan, I am a technologist student of advertising development and software development. I work as an advertising designer and I am 21 years old. Part second: Zero Conditional: If I prioritize my responsibilities effectively, I can maintain a healthy balance between my studies, work, and family. This helps me create a positive work environment where I can grow and thrive. First Conditional: If I continue to work hard and remain adaptable to new challenges, I believe I can progress in my career and reach the position I aspire to. Taking on leadership roles and responsibilities will allow me to further develop my self-direction and demonstrate my capabilities. Second Conditional: If I had not received support from my family throughout my journey, it would have been more difficult for me to achieve what I have accomplished so far. Their e

Flowchart to present the step by step process for presenting a project proposal of professional working group




Media Literacy Trough Critical Thinking

This blog post was developed based on the paper "Media literacy through critical thinking" by Chris M. Worsnop, which can be found at: https://depts.washington.edu/nwmedia/sections/nw_center/curriculum_docs/teach_combine.pdf.  What is Media Literacy?  It is by now a cliché to say that we live in a media age. For more than twenty years we have been hearing statistics about the number of hours people spend watching TV, listening to popular music and radio. More recently we can add to this list the other hours spent at computer keyboards or in shopping malls. The point of mentioning this new arrangement of human time is not to bewail it as a bad habit, or to moan about it as time wasted, but simply to point it out as a fact. The fact is this: young people today receive nearly all their information through popular culture mass communication; yet schools do little to help them understand popular culture.  We are presently living in conditions similar to those in the dark and middl