Audio about the trajectory, actions and solutions in the labor context.

Link del audio: 

Part One: Presentation.

Hello, my name is sebastian millan, I am a technologist student of advertising development and software development. I work as an advertising designer and I am 21 years old.

Part second:

Zero Conditional: If I prioritize my responsibilities effectively, I can maintain a healthy balance between my studies, work, and family. This helps me create a positive work environment where I can grow and thrive.

First Conditional: If I continue to work hard and remain adaptable to new challenges, I believe I can progress in my career and reach the position I aspire to. Taking on leadership roles and responsibilities will allow me to further develop my self-direction and demonstrate my capabilities.

Second Conditional: If I had not received support from my family throughout my journey, it would have been more difficult for me to achieve what I have accomplished so far. Their encouragement and assistance have played a crucial role in my success, enabling me to overcome obstacles and pursue my goals.

Third Conditional: If I had studied advertising after I left school, I would now be a professional advertising designer. I would not be worrying about handing in the outstanding evidences at this moment, if I had handed them in on time.


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